Source code for pymarket.bids.demand_curves

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pymarket.bids import BidManager

[docs]def demand_curve_from_bids(bids): """ Creates a demand curve from a set of buying bids. It is the inverse cumulative distribution of quantity as a function of price. Parameters ---------- bids Collection of all the bids in the market. The algorithm filters only the buying bids. Returns --------- demand_curve: np.ndarray Stepwise constant demand curve represented as a collection of the N rightmost points of each interval (N-1 bids). It is stored as a (N, 2) matrix where the first column is the x-coordinate and the second column is the y-coordinate. An extra point is a))dded with x coordinate at infinity and price at 0 to represent the end of the curve. index : np.ndarray The order of the identifier of each bid in the demand curve. Examples --------- A minimal example, selling bid is ignored: >>> bm = pm.BidManager() >>> bm.add_bid(1, 1, 0, buying=True) 0 >>> bm.add_bid(1, 1, 1, buying=False) 1 >>> dc, index = pm.demand_curve_from_bids(bm.get_df()) >>> dc array([[ 1., 1.], [inf, 0.]]) >>> index array([0]) A larger example with reordering of bids: >>> bm = pm.BidManager() >>> bm.add_bid(1, 1, 0, buying=True) 0 >>> bm.add_bid(1, 1, 1, buying=False) 1 >>> bm.add_bid(3, 0.5, 2, buying=True) 2 >>> bm.add_bid(2.3, 0.1, 3, buying=True) 3 >>> dc, index = pm.demand_curve_from_bids(bm.get_df()) >>> dc array([[1. , 1. ], [4. , 0.5], [6.3, 0.1], [inf, 0. ]]) >>> index array([0, 2, 3]) """ buying = bids[bids.buying] buying = buying.sort_values('price', ascending=False) buying['acum'] = buying.quantity.cumsum() demand_curve = buying[['acum', 'price']].values demand_curve = np.vstack([demand_curve, [np.inf, 0]]) index = buying.index.values.astype('int64') return demand_curve, index
[docs]def supply_curve_from_bids(bids): """ Creates a supply curve from a set of selling bids. It is the cumulative distribution of quantity as a function of price. Parameters ---------- bids: pd.DataFrame Collection of all the bids in the market. The algorithm filters only the selling bids. Returns --------- supply_curve: np.ndarray Stepwise constant demand curve represented as a collection of the N rightmost points of each interval (N-1 bids). It is stored as a (N, 2) matrix where the first column is the x-coordinate and the second column is the y-coordinate. An extra point is added with x coordinate at infinity and price at infinity to represent the end of the curve. index : np.ndarray The order of the identifier of each bid in the supply curve. Examples --------- A minimal example, selling bid is ignored: >>> bm = pm.BidManager() >>> bm.add_bid(1, 3, 0, False) 0 >>> bm.add_bid(2.1, 3, 3, True) 1 >>> sc, index = pm.supply_curve_from_bids(bm.get_df()) >>> sc array([[ 1., 3.], [inf, inf]]) >>> index array([0]) A larger example with reordering: >>> bm = pm.BidManager() >>> bm.add_bid(1, 3, 0, False) 0 >>> bm.add_bid(2.1, 3, 3, True) 1 >>> bm.add_bid(0.2, 1, 3, False) 2 >>> bm.add_bid(1.7, 6, 4, False) 3 >>> sc, index = pm.supply_curve_from_bids(bm.get_df()) >>> sc array([[0.2, 1. ], [1.2, 3. ], [2.9, 6. ], [inf, inf]]) >>> index array([2, 0, 3]) """ selling = bids[bids.buying == False] selling = selling.sort_values('price') selling['acum'] = selling.quantity.cumsum() supply_curve = selling[['acum', 'price']].values supply_curve = np.vstack([supply_curve, [np.inf, np.inf]]) index = selling.index.values.astype('int64') return supply_curve, index
[docs]def get_value_stepwise(x, f): """ Returns the value of a stepwise constant function defined by the right extrems of its interval Functions are assumed to be defined in (0, inf). Parameters ---------- x: float Value in which the function is to be evaluated f: np.ndarray Stepwise function represented as a 2 column matrix. Each row is the rightmost extreme point of each constant interval. The first column contains the x coordinate and is sorted increasingly. f is assumed to be defined only in the interval :math: (0, \infty) Returns -------- float or None The image of x under f: `f(x)`. If `x` is negative, then None is returned instead. If x is outside the range of the function (greater than `f[-1, 0]`), then the method returns None. Examples --------- >>> f = np.array([ ... [1, 1], ... [3, 4]]) >>> [pm.get_value_stepwise(x, f) ... for x in [-1, 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4]] [None, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, None] """ if x < 0: return None for step in f: if x <= step[0]: return step[1]
[docs]def intersect_stepwise( f, g, k=0.5 ): """ Finds the intersection of two stepwise constants functions where f is assumed to be bigger at 0 than g. If no intersection is found, None is returned. Parameters ---------- f: np.ndarray Stepwise constant function represented as a 2 column matrix where each row is the rightmost point of the constat interval. The first column is sorted increasingly. Preconditions: f is non-increasing. g: np.ndarray Stepwise constant function represented as a 2 column matrix where each row is the rightmost point of the constat interval. The first column is sorted increasingly. Preconditions: g is non-decreasing and `f[0, 0] > g[0, 0]` k : float If the intersection is empty or an interval, a convex combination of the y-values of f and g will be returned and k will be used to determine hte final value. `k=1` will be the value of g while `k=0` will be the value of f. Returns -------- x_ast : float or None Axis coordinate of the intersection of both functions. If the intersection is empty, then it returns None. f_ast : int or None Index of the rightmost extreme of the interval of `f` involved in the intersection. If the intersection is empty, returns None g_ast : int or None Index of the rightmost extreme of the interval of `g` involved in the intersection. If the intersection is empty, returns None. v : float or None Ordinate of the intersection if it is uniquely identified, otherwise the k-convex combination of the y values of `f` and `g` in the last point when they were both defined. Examples --------- Simple intersection with diferent domains >>> f = np.array([[1, 3], [3, 1]]) >>> g = np.array([[2,2]]) >>> pm.intersect_stepwise(f, g) (1, 0, 0, 2) Empty intersection, returning the middle value >>> f = np.array([[1,3], [2, 2.5]]) >>> g = np.array([[1,1], [2, 2]]) >>> pm.intersect_stepwise(f, g) (None, None, None, 2.25) """ x_max = np.min([f.max(axis=0)[0], g.max(axis=0)[0]]) xs = sorted([x for x in set(g[:, 0]).union(set(f[:, 0])) if x <= x_max]) fext = [get_value_stepwise(x, f) for x in xs] gext = [get_value_stepwise(x, g) for x in xs] x_ast = None for i in range(len(xs) - 1): if (fext[i] > gext[i]) and (fext[i + 1] < gext[i + 1]): x_ast = xs[i] f_ast = np.argmax(f[:, 0] >= x_ast) if x_ast is not None else None g_ast = np.argmax(g[:, 0] >= x_ast) if x_ast is not None else None g_val = g[g_ast, 1] if g_ast is not None else get_value_stepwise(xs[-1], g) f_val = f[f_ast, 1] if f_ast is not None else get_value_stepwise(xs[-1], f) intersect_domain_both = x_ast in f[:, 0] and x_ast in g[:, 0] if not (intersect_domain_both) and (x_ast is not None): v = g_val if x_ast in f[:, 0] else f_val else: v = g_val * k + (1 - k) * f_val return x_ast, f_ast, g_ast, v