Source code for pymarket.datasets.uniform_bidders

import numpy as np

[docs]def generate( cant_buyers, cant_sellers, offset_sellers=0, offset_buyers=0, r= None, eps=1e-4): """ Generates random bids. All the volumes and reservation prices are sampled independently from a uniform distribution. For sellers, the reservation price is shifted `offset_seller` while for the buyers is shifter `offset_buyers`. If there are two sellers or two buyers with the same price, the reservation price of one of them is resampled until in both side of the market, all players have different values. The maximum number of players is limited by 1/eps, although the parameter currently updates itself to allow the requested quantity of buyers and sellers. Parameters ---------- cant_buyers: int Number of buyers to generate. Has to be positiv cant_sellers: int Number of sellers to generate. Has to be positive. offset_sellers: float Quantity to shift the reservation price of sellers offset_buyers : float Quantity to shift the reservation price of buyers r : optional, RandomState RandomState used to generate the data eps : optional, float Minimum precision of the prices. Returns ------- bids List of tuples of all the bids generated Examples --------- >>> r = np.random.RandomState(420) >>> generate(2, 3, 1, 2, r, 0.1) [(0.5, 2.8, 0, True, 0, True), (0.7000000000000001, 2.5, 1, True, 0, True), (0.6000000000000001, 1.2, 2, False, 0, True), (0.1, 1.7000000000000002, 3, False, 0, True), (0.2, 1.3, 4, False, 0, True)] """ if r is None: r = np.random.RandomState() offset = [offset_buyers, offset_sellers] quantities = [cant_buyers, cant_sellers] bids = [] if max(quantities) > (1 / eps): eps = 1 / max(quantities) / 2 user = 0 for i, (o_, q_) in enumerate(zip(offset, quantities)): range_ = np.arange(0, 1, eps) qs = r.choice(range_, q_, replace=False) vs = r.choice(range_ + o_, q_, replace=False) for j in range(q_): bid = (qs[j], vs[j], user, bool(1 - i), 0, True) bids.append(bid) user += 1 return bids