Source code for

from pymarket.bids import BidManager
from pymarket.mechanisms import *
from pymarket.transactions import TransactionManager
from pymarket.statistics import *
from pymarket.plot import plot_demand_curves, plot_trades_as_graph, plot_both_side_muda, plot_huang_auction
from collections import OrderedDict

    'huang': HuangAuction,
    'muda': MudaAuction,
    'p2p': P2PTrading,


    'percentage_traded': percentage_traded,
    'percentage_welfare': percentage_welfare,
    'profits': calculate_profits,

[docs]class Market(): """General interface for calling the different market mechanisms Parameters ---------- bm: BidManager All bids are stored in the bid manager transactions: TransactionManager The set of all tranasactions in the Market. This argument get updated after the market ran. extra: dict Extra information provided by the mechanisms. Gets updated after an execution of the run. Returns ------- Examples --------- If everyone is buying, the transaction dataframe is returned empty as well as the extra dictionary. >>> mar = pm.Market() >>> mar.accept_bid(1, 2, 0, True) 0 >>> mar.accept_bid(2, 3, 1, True) 1 >>> trans, extra ='huang') >>> extra OrderedDict() >>> trans.get_df() Empty DataFrame Columns: [bid, quantity, price, source, active] Index: [] If everyone is buying, the transaction dataframe is returned empty as well as the extra dictionary. >>> mar = pm.Market() >>> mar.accept_bid(1, 2, 0, False) 0 >>> mar.accept_bid(2, 3, 1, False) 1 >>> trans, extra ='huang') >>> extra OrderedDict() >>> trans.get_df() Empty DataFrame Columns: [bid, quantity, price, source, active] Index: [] A very simple auction where nobody trades >>> mar = pm.Market() >>> mar.accept_bid(1, 3, 0, True) 0 >>> mar.accept_bid(1, 2, 1, False) 1 >>> trans, extra ='huang') >>> extra OrderedDict([('price_sell', 2.0), ('price_buy', 3.0), ('quantity_traded', 0)]) >>> trans.get_df() Empty DataFrame Columns: [bid, quantity, price, source, active] Index: [] """ def __init__(self): """TODO: to be defined1.""" = BidManager() self.transactions = TransactionManager() self.extra = OrderedDict()
[docs] def accept_bid(self, *args): """Adds a bid to the bid manager Parameters ---------- *args : List of parameters requried to create a bid. See `BidManager` documentation. Returns ------- bid_id: int The id of the new created bid in the BidManger """ bid_id =*args) return bid_id
[docs] def run(self, algo, *args, **kwargs): """Runs a given mechanism with the current bids Parameters ---------- algo : str One of: * 'p2p' * 'huang' * 'muda' *args : Extra arguments to pass to the algorithm. **kwargs : Extra keyworded arguments to pass to the algorithm Returns ------- transactions: TransactionManager The transaction manager holding all the transactions returned by the mechanism. extra: dict Dictionary with extra information returned by the executed method. """ df = mec = MECHANISM[algo](df, *args, **kwargs) transactions, extra = self.transactions = transactions self.extra = extra return transactions, extra
[docs] def statistics(self, reservation_prices=None, exclude=[]): """Computes the standard statistics of the market Parameters ---------- reservation_prices (dict, optional) : the reservation prices of the users. If there is none, the bid will be assumed truthfull reservation_prices : (Default value = None) exclude : List of mechanisms to ignore will comuting statistics Returns ------- stats : dict Dictionary with the differnt statistics. Currently: * percentage_welfare * percentage_traded * profits """ stats = OrderedDict() extras = OrderedDict() if 'fees' in self.extra: extras['fees'] = self.extra['fees'] extras['reservation_prices'] = reservation_prices for stat in STATS: if stat not in exclude: stats[stat] = STATS[stat](, self.transactions.get_df(), **extras ) self.stats = stats return stats
[docs] def plot(self): """Plots both demand curves""" df = plot_demand_curves(df)
[docs] def plot_method(self, method, ax=None): """ Plots a figure specific for a given method, reflecting the main characteristics of its solution. It requires that the algorithm has run before. Parameters ---------- method : str One of `p2p`, `muda`, `huang` ax : (Default value = None) Returns ------- """ trans = self.transactions bids = e = self.extra if method == 'p2p': ax = plot_trades_as_graph(bids, trans, ax) elif method == 'muda': try: left_players = e['left'] right_players = e['right'] left_price = e['price_left'] right_price = e['price_right'] ax = plot_both_side_muda( bids, left_players, right_players, left_price, right_price) except KeyError as e: print('Some of the parameters required were not found', 'Make sure that the algorithm executed correctly.') elif method == 'huang': try: price_sell = e['price_sell'] price_buy = e['price_buy'] quantity_traded = e['quantity_traded'] ax = plot_huang_auction( bids, price_sell, price_buy, quantity_traded, ax ) except KeyError as e: print('Some of the parameters required were not found', 'Make sure that the algorithm executed correctly.') return ax