pymarket.mechanisms.muda_auction module

class pymarket.mechanisms.muda_auction.MudaAuction(bids, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pymarket.mechanisms.mechanism.Mechanism

Interface for MudaAuction.

Parameters:bids – Collection of bids to run the mechanism with.
pymarket.mechanisms.muda_auction.compute_fee(df, index, user, quantity, price)[source]

Computes the fee that a user has to pay by not letting others trade

  • df (pd.DataFrame) – Dataframe for one side of the market resulting from reseting the index of a bid dataframe, getting the bid as the first column in addition to all the standard ones. Precondition: all bids should be willing to trade at the trading price.
  • index (int) – Index of the last trading bid
  • user (int) – User identifier for which the fee should be computed
  • quantity (float) – Total quantity that the side of the market trades
  • price (float) – Price at which the market clears.

fee – Fee that user ùser will have to pay for not letting others trade as well.

Return type:



>>> bm = pm.BidManager()
>>> bm.add_bid(1, 1, 1)
>>> bm.add_bid(1, 2, 3)
>>> compute_fee(bm.get_df(), 0, 1, 1, 2.5)

Finds the unique trading price of the intersection of supply and demand.

Parameters:bids (pd.DataFrame) – Collection of bids to process the mechanism with.
Returns:price – The price at which the market clears.
Return type:float


See also: intersect_stepwise.

pymarket.mechanisms.muda_auction.get_trading_bids(bids, quantity_traded)[source]

Finds the index of the rightmost trading bid in a side of the market. If the bid has to be split, it does so, and returns the a new bid dataframe with two bids in stade of the original one.

  • bids (pd.DataFrame) – Collection of bids in one side of the market Precondition: the dataframe is sorted by price. Reverse order for buying and selling side.
  • quantity_traded (float) – Total quantity that the side of the market can trade.

  • bids_trading (pd.DataFrame) – Same as bids, but the index (which represent the bid identifier) is added as the first column. If a bid had to be splitted, that bid is replaced by two, with the quantity in both summing up to the original quantity. The index is reseted but both splitted bids retain the oringal bid number in the column.
  • bid_index (int) – Index of the worst bid that gets to trade.


No splitting needed

>>> bm = pm.BidManager()
>>> bm.add_bid(1, 3, 0)
>>> bm.add_bid(1, 2, 1)
>>> bm.get_df()
   quantity  price  user  buying  time  divisible
0         1      3     0    True     0       True
1         1      2     1    True     0       True
>>> bids, index = get_trading_bids(bm.get_df(), 1)
>>> bids
   bid  quantity  price  user  buying  time  divisible
0    0         1      3     0    True     0       True
1    1         1      2     1    True     0       True
>>> index

Splitting needed:

>>> bm = pm.BidManager()
>>> bm.add_bid(1, 3, 0)
>>> bm.add_bid(1, 2, 1)
>>> bm.get_df()
   quantity  price  user  buying  time  divisible
0         1      3     0    True     0       True
1         1      2     1    True     0       True
>>> bids, index = get_trading_bids(bm.get_df(), 0.3)
>>> bids
   bid quantity price user buying time divisible
0    0      0.3     3    0   True    0      True
1    0      0.7     3    0   True    0      True
2    1        1     2    1   True    0      True
>>> index
pymarket.mechanisms.muda_auction.muda(bids, r=None)[source]

Implements the Vickrey MUDA as described in [1].

The mechanism does not support two players in the same side of the market with the same price.

  • bids (pd.DataFrame) – Collection of bids to be used in the market
  • r (np.random.RandomState) – A numpy random state generator. If not given, a new one will be created and the output will be random.

  • trans (TransactionManager) – A collection of all the transactions performed.
  • extra (dict) – Dictionary with extra information provided by the mechanism. Keys: * left: players in the left market * right: players in the right market * price_left: clearing price of the left market * price_right: clearing price of the right_market * fees: Fees that players have to pay to participate


[1] Segal-Halevi, Erel, Avinatan Hassidim, and Yonatan Aumann. “MUDA: a truthful multi-unit double-auction mechanism.” Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2018.


A case in which the market puts all the players in the same side and no one trades.

>>> bm = pm.BidManager()
>>> bm.add_bid(1, 4, 0)
>>> bm.add_bid(1, 2, 1)
>>> bm.add_bid(1, 3, 2, False)
>>> bm.add_bid(1, 1, 3, False)
>>> r = np.random.RandomState(420)
>>> trans, extra = muda(bm.get_df(), r)
>>> extra
OrderedDict([('left', []), ('right', [0, 1, 2, 3]), ('price_left', inf), ('price_right', 2.5), ('fees', array([0., 0., 0., 0.]))])
>>> trans.get_df()
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [bid, quantity, price, source, active]
Index: []

A case in which there are 2 players in each side but the cleared prices makes it impossible to trade:

>>> r = np.random.RandomState(69)
>>> trans, extra = muda(bm.get_df(), r)
>>> extra
OrderedDict([('left', [1, 3]), ('right', [0, 2]), ('price_left', 1.5), ('price_right', 3.5), ('fees', array([0., 0., 0., 0.]))])
>>> trans.get_df()
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [bid, quantity, price, source, active]
Index: []

A case with trade:

>>> bm.add_bid(1, 5, 4)
>>> r = np.random.RandomState(69)
>>> trans, extra = muda(bm.get_df(), r)
>>> trans.get_df()
   bid  quantity  price  source  active
0    3         1    3.5      -1   False
1    4         1    3.5      -1   False
2    2         1    3.0      -1   False
3    0         1    3.0      -1   False
>>> extra
OrderedDict([('left', [1, 3, 4]), ('right', [0, 2]), ('price_left', 3.0), ('price_right', 3.5), ('fees', array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]))])
pymarket.mechanisms.muda_auction.solve_market_side_with_exogenous_price(bids, price, fees)[source]

Clears the market based on an external price. First it removes all biders that are not willing to trade at the given price, and then it fits the best allocation. Fees are calculated based on users that were willing but could not trade.

  • bids (pd.DataFrame) – Collection of bids to clear the market with
  • price (float) – Price at which all the trades will ocurr
  • fees (list of floats) – List of all the fees that players will have to pay. It gets updated.

  • trans (TransactionManager) – Collection of the transactions that clear the market
  • fees (list of floats) – Fees to be paid by each player. Is a list where the fee of player with id u is located at fees[u].


>>> bm = pm.BidManager()
>>> bm.add_bid(1, 3, 0)
>>> bm.add_bid(1, 0.5, 1)
>>> bm.add_bid(1, 1, 2, False)
>>> bm.add_bid(1, 2, 3, False)
>>> fees = [0, 0, 0, 0]
>>> trans, fees = solve_market_side_with_exogenous_price(bm.get_df(),2.5, fees)
>>> trans.get_df()
   bid  quantity  price  source  active
0    0         1    2.5      -1   False
1    2         1    2.5      -1   False
>>> fees
[0, 0, 0.5, 0]