pymarket.transactions.processing module

Some processing functions to deal with transactions

pymarket.transactions.processing.split_transactions_merged_players(transactions, bids, maping, fees=None)[source]

Splits the transactions of a market that used merged bids into the original bids Uses a proportional split, based on the offered (or asked) quantity by each player.

  • transactions (TransactionManager) – the transactions manager returned by the mechanism.
  • bids (pandas dataframe) – the original bid dataframe where some players might be repeated
  • maping (pandas dataframe) – A maping between the bids in the transaction dataframe and the original bids.

  • transactions_splited (pandas dataframe) – the result of splitting each merged bid in the transactions dataframe
  • fees (dict or None) – dictionary obtained by splitting the fees equal to the transactions


>>> bm = pm.BidManager()
>>> tm = pm.TransactionManager()
>>> bm.add_bid(1, 1, 0)
>>> bm.add_bid(2, 1, 1)
>>> tm.add_transaction(0, 1, 1, -1, False)
>>> tm_2 = split_transactions_merged_players(tm, bm.get_df(), {0:[0,1]})
>>> tm_2.get_df()
   bid  quantity  price  source  active
0    0  0.333333      1      -1   False
1    1  0.666667      1      -1   False