
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import pymarket as pm

Creates new market

mar = pm.Market()

mar.accept_bid(1, 6.7, 0, True, 0)
mar.accept_bid(1, 6.6, 1, True, 0)
mar.accept_bid(1, 6.5, 2, True, 0)
mar.accept_bid(1, 6.4, 3, True, 0)
mar.accept_bid(1, 6.3, 4, True, 0)
mar.accept_bid(1, 6, 5, True, 0)

mar.accept_bid(1, 1, 6, False, 0)
mar.accept_bid(1, 2, 7, False, 0)
mar.accept_bid(2, 3, 8, False, 0)
mar.accept_bid(2, 4, 9, False, 0)
mar.accept_bid(1, 6.1, 10, False, 0)

bids =
transactions, extras ='huang')
stats = mar.statistics()

Orignal supply and demand curves


Supply and demand curves after market is splitted

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6))
ax = mar.plot_method('huang', ax=ax)

Analysis of the trade

Trading price

  • Selling Price: 4, defined by bid 9, consequently, 9 does not trade
  • Buying Price: 6, defined by bid 5, consequently, 5 does not trade

Actually trading

  • Buying: 0, 1, 2, 3
  • Selling: 6, 7, 8


  • Supply and demand have the same size.
  • The profit of the market maker coincides with the blue shaded area


print('Percentage of the maximum possible traded quantity')
Percentage of the maximum possible traded quantity
print('Percentage of the maximum possible total welfare')
Percentage of the maximum possible total welfare
print('Profits per user')
for u in bids.user.unique():
    print(f'User {u:2} obtained a profit of {stats["profits"]["player_bid"][u]:0.2f}')
Profits per user
User  0 obtained a profit of 0.56
User  1 obtained a profit of 0.48
User  2 obtained a profit of 0.40
User  3 obtained a profit of 0.32
User  4 obtained a profit of 0.24
User  5 obtained a profit of 0.00
User  6 obtained a profit of 3.00
User  7 obtained a profit of 2.00
User  8 obtained a profit of 2.00
User  9 obtained a profit of 0.00
User 10 obtained a profit of 0.00
print(f'Profit to Market Maker was {stats["profits"]["market"]:0.2f}')
Profit to Market Maker was 8.00
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