%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import pymarket as pm

Creates new market

r = np.random.RandomState(1234)
mar = pm.Market()

mar.accept_bid(1, 6.7, 0, True, 0)
mar.accept_bid(1, 6.6, 1, True, 0)
mar.accept_bid(1, 6.5, 2, True, 0)
mar.accept_bid(1, 6.4, 3, True, 0)
mar.accept_bid(1, 6.3, 4, True, 0)
mar.accept_bid(1, 6, 5, True, 0)

mar.accept_bid(1, 1, 6, False, 0)
mar.accept_bid(1, 2, 7, False, 0)
mar.accept_bid(2, 3, 8, False, 0)
mar.accept_bid(2, 4, 9, False, 0)
mar.accept_bid(1, 6.1, 10, False, 0)

bids = mar.bm.get_df()
transactions, extras = mar.run('p2p', r=r)
stats = mar.statistics()
bids # bids dataframe
quantity price user buying time divisible
0 1 6.7 0 True 0 True
1 1 6.6 1 True 0 True
2 1 6.5 2 True 0 True
3 1 6.4 3 True 0 True
4 1 6.3 4 True 0 True
5 1 6.0 5 True 0 True
6 1 1.0 6 False 0 True
7 1 2.0 7 False 0 True
8 2 3.0 8 False 0 True
9 2 4.0 9 False 0 True
10 1 6.1 10 False 0 True
transactions.get_df() # transactions dataframe
bid quantity price source active
0 3 1 3.70 6 False
1 6 1 3.70 3 False
2 5 0 0.00 10 True
3 10 0 0.00 5 True
4 2 1 4.25 7 False
5 7 1 4.25 2 False
6 4 1 5.15 9 False
7 9 1 5.15 4 True
8 0 1 4.85 8 False
9 8 1 4.85 0 True
10 5 1 5.00 9 False
11 9 1 5.00 5 False
12 1 1 4.80 8 False
13 8 1 4.80 1 False
extras # additional information characteristic of P2P trading
{'trading_list': [[(3, 6), (5, 10), (2, 7), (4, 9), (0, 8)], [(5, 9), (1, 8)]]}

Orignal supply and demand curves


Trades among participants

ax = mar.plot_method('p2p')
/home/guso/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/networkx/drawing/nx_pylab.py:611: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: isinstance(..., numbers.Number)
  if cb.is_numlike(alpha):

Analysis of the results

Round 1

  • 3 trades with 6, they both trade all their quantity and are not considered for next round
  • 5 trades with 10, the asked price by 10 is to high and no trade happens, they continue in next round
  • 2 trades with 7, they both trade all their quantity and are not considered for next round
  • 4 trades with 9, they trade one unit and 9 goes to next one with one remaining unit
  • 0 trades with 8, they trade one unit and 8 goes to next one with one remaining unit
  • 1 is not paired with anyone and continues to round 2

Round 2

  • 5 trades with 9, they both trade all their remaining quantity and are not considered for the next round
  • 1 trades with 8, they both trade all their remaining quantity and are not considered for the next round
  • 10 is not paired and continues to the round 3

Round 3

  • Only 10 remains, so no trade can ocurr, the algorithm ends.


print('Percentage of the maximum possible traded quantity')
Percentage of the maximum possible traded quantity
print('Percentage of the maximum possible total welfare')
Percentage of the maximum possible total welfare
print('Profits per user')
for u in bids.user.unique():
    print(f'User {u:2} obtained a profit of {stats["profits"]["player_bid"][u]:0.2f}')
Profits per user
User  0 obtained a profit of 1.85
User  1 obtained a profit of 1.80
User  2 obtained a profit of 2.25
User  3 obtained a profit of 2.70
User  4 obtained a profit of 1.15
User  5 obtained a profit of 1.00
User  6 obtained a profit of 2.70
User  7 obtained a profit of 2.25
User  8 obtained a profit of 3.65
User  9 obtained a profit of 2.15
User 10 obtained a profit of 0.00
print(f'Profit to Market Maker was {stats["profits"]["market"]:0.2f}')
Profit to Market Maker was 0.00